Monday, April 4, 2022

Is this thing on?



Here -- a  rainbow lorikeet for your troubles.

It's been nine years since I have used this blog.  I am due to be unemployed soon, and so I'm exploring "alternative" ways to make money (alternatives to "panty-hose jobs" as I call them still, even though very few people actually wear panty hose anymore, as I understand it). In order to do a little research into this thing called "affiliate marketing," I need a website link to prove I have a "web presence."  I thought, when I remembered the word Blogger and did a Google search (hey! shouldn't I get ten cents for using the brand names? #affiliatemarketing) to see if it still existed, I would be directed to my other old blog -- the one whose name I don't recall, but on which I know I once wrote about Simone Weil.  Yet no -- it's Ridiculous Ice Cream!  

Here is a comic about Simone Weil encountering Simone DeBeauvoir and Albert Camus:

Heyyyy... They're screwing up my fonts!   Hmph.  

ANYWAY:  I just thought I'd post here to see if anyone is actually still signed up to get notices about this blog anymore.  I think I would probably start a new blog if I use a blog to do my affiliate marketing thing (and might not do it anyway) (will not use Amazon, FYI), but I'm just curious -- are you reading this?

Please comment below if you can hear me!  😎

All the best of Love & Light to you,


Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Trailer Update

Hey there!

Okay, well, Rich ended up being too busy to get all the way through this, but his "Dark Matter" piece was a real help to me.  It was close enough that it helped me get a much clearer vision of the trailer.

Coincidentally, while I was waiting out a busy spell of Rich's, a former student of mine named Kevin Smith (not to be confused with either "Kevin Smith," they guy who directed Clerks, OR with Kevin Bright, who plays Bill in S & B) wrote to express his interest in scoring movies.  Blah blah blah (days and things that you don't care about) and I'm using an original piece by Kevin in the trailer! 

We are fine-tuning it, but it is very close. 

Today, Jordan is doing what she has time to do to put together a third draft of the trailer, using Kevin's music and the structure that I came up with while thinking with Rich's piece in mind.

Chances are I will be doing some fine-tuning of the trailer after Jordan does her last work, since she's started up at Emerson again, but I am eager to see the new draft with good music - it will make a big difference in bringing us closer to done.   Exciting!

I have been totally avoiding thinking about what to say in my Directorial intro -- SO VERY MUCH don't want to do that.  What should I wear? 


Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Summer 2013 Update 2

Okay, well as per usual, my timeline estimate was off, but Jordan (the trailer editor) and I are progressing with the trailer. 

One of our biggest snares has been the music -- how to score the trailer.  It would probably be easier NOT to have music, but I really want it.   Jordan found two royalty-free pieces that were similar to what I want:  an Eric Satie that is too somber and rather over-used in movies anyway, and another thing that is just too Hallmarky - almost puked on my computer from the saccharine taste.

SO -- I asked my step-brother Rich (Rachard J. Hill if you're a SoundCloud member), who is a musician and likes to poke around with Garage Band, if he could possibly write us something -- and he has said "yes."  Yay!

For the past couple days we've been going back and forth and we're getting closer!  Once we have something, Jordan will be able to do a third "draft" and then we'll see where we are.

Jordan's an undergrad and has her own film projects to work on, so we're probably nearing the end of her involvement.  I hope we can get it done with her before she gears up for the new term.  If we're not quite done when she needs to bow out, I will finish the trailer myself.  I could not have gotten this far without her!

I've started to think about what I will say as the director in my Kickstarter plea.  I must say that it feels a little weird -- I don't know what I will say.  "Finishing funds" - ??  Not liking this part. 

Also -- I have no idea what "thank you gifts" I could give people if they donate, as is customary on Kickstarter.  Don't want to spend the money on that - that would be dumb. 

When the trailer is done, I'll post it here!

Peace & Light,

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Summer Update



I just thought I'd quickly let you know that I have received the 1st cut of a Kickstarter trailer by the sister of a former student of mine (she is an undergrad at Emerson College).  It looks great!  We will revise a little, tweak it, and then get a Kickstarter campaign going before the end of July!!  (God willing and the Chas don't rise) 



Wednesday, April 17, 2013

A Post-Post Post


Just thought I'd let you know that I have not sent out most of the discs yet.  The four other (i.e., besides me) principle actors got theirs and then I bought some cheap mailers on line -- and then I realized that I'm way too broke to go mailing these things out to people right now.  Sorry!  Yet one more thing that will have to wait until I have an income.

I have been networking a little bit about finding an professional editor to "clean up" the rough cut, but to no avail.  I had hoped Kevin/Bill or R.J./Larry might know someone, since they work FT in The Biz, but neither has produced a savior so far.  I recently met someone who, I inferred, may work with digital sound - or went to film school for audio? - something.  It wasn't a good time for me to clarify this with her, but I'll be in touch with her again before too long and see if there's anything there.  Also, as the editing went along, I asked three former students of mine, independently, if they would like to help out -- two actually answered me -- but to no product.  I might give that route one more go, though, if through slightly different channels.  We'll see.  I'll keep poking around as I can.

I'm disappointed that only Christine/Vitta really shared her experience of watching the film after she got the disc.  It feels so strange to have this be such a big deal for me, to have been "connected" in this weird virtual way to these people all this time, and now that I have done as much as I can with it, to send it out and get almost nothing back.  It's bizarre.  Kevin, for example, called me very regularly for the first few years after the shoot, and then kept in touch less regularly but reliably for the last few years -- asking how it was going every now and then (wanting his footage!!) -- and now I wonder if we'll never speak again -- unless I send a note that we got an editor on board.  Why should it be any different?  For them it was one gig, and gigs end.  There have been plenty of projects and plays that I've been a part of, after which I don't expect to stay in touch with people.  That's the nature of the business.  It was a fun July (I hope it was mostly fun) more than a decade ago.  It wasn't life-changing for them; it wasn't their one big project.  I, though, have carried this around in my heart and psyche for a decade, feeling tied to them all this time.  Not to have a reunion and a "premiere" where we all got together and saw the movie as a group, sharing memories and wincing and laughing together, feeling our ambivalent pride together,  seeing the decade in each other's changed-but-familiar faces and all that, but rather to be divided off in the world, everyone seeing it independently - invisibly - in their "new" lives, has been rather anti-climactic and, honestly, sad for me.

But what that means, of course, is just that I need to make another movie.  A better funded movie with an editor attached.  And to get it done inside two years at most.  Right?  Right.  The answer is always to work again. 

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Some of the Cast and Crew

  • Marissa ..... Vitta "Christine" Quinn
  • Larry ..... R.J. Bain
  • Bill ..... Kevin L. Bright
  • Amy ..... Rachel Allyn (-Oppenheimer)
  • Sarah ..... Rachel Ellis Adams
  • Director of Photography, Greg "Filmduck" Dancer
  • Written, Directed and Occasionally Edited by Rachel Ellis Adams
  • Produced by Jack Martin
  • Invaluable Help from Cynthia Conti
  • Additional Labor and Support Provided by Many Other Wonderful People
  • Bill's Living & Dining Rooms and Amy's Bedroom, thanks to Jenny and Mark Friedman
  • Bill's kitchen, thanks to Cynthia and Henry Jenkins
  • Bill's Front Vestibule, thanks to Alejandro Reuss
  • Larry's Bedroom, Bathroom & Dining Room, thanks to Elizabeth "FrizB" Ellis
  • Larry's Piano Room, thanks to some friends of Cynthia, but honestly? I don't even know what town we were in.
  • Tire Swing, thanks to Herb & Mary Adams